A busy September
Well, we had a productive meeting today and a short AGM. It was the end of an era as Claire (Chair), Sally (Secretary) and Jane (Treasurer) stepped down after many years. Fortunately Dee has taken on the role of Secretary and Margaret has volunteered to be Treasurer; Jill has taken over Membership. Sally and Claire are in the new role of IT and Social media, which they did before but we decided to make it a bit more official! That leaves the role of Chair. It was decided that we would have a rotating Chair from the Committee members as no-one was keen to volunteer; we feel that this will give an opportunity for more people to become involved by delegating tasks and organising events etc to small groups of people, so fingers crossed. We would like to welcome Christine B to the committee.
As our AGM's are short meetings, so the rest of the day was spent stitching and chatting and discussing various ideas for new projects which will be added to the Group Challenges tab in due course.
We were at Yarndale again at the weekend; it was lovely to chat to people and we had a map of the world for people to stitch patches of fabric on to. Of course we had to go for a little wander too and couldn't resist buying some goodies.
As usual there was a wide variety of stitching going o a the meeting:
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