Showing posts with label lilac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lilac. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 June 2021

It's been a busy week!

There has been a flurry of activity amongst Skipton Stitchers! It's a new month so a new colour for the 4 inch square challenge - lilac. There has been a bit of catching up going on with #52tagshannemade as well. Friday's tag was 'a bunch of flowers' using a colour you don't normally use which is always a bit of a challenge. I did ask Anne on her YouTube comments bit for the last tag if she had anything brewing for when the 52 tags are finished because there's going to be a big hole left to fill. Many of us have come to enjoy joining in with stitch alongs over the past year, stitching has kept us going and it's been wonderful to 'meet' people we wouldn't have under normal circumstances. Anne did say she was thinking about something for 2022 which is brilliant! 

Here's another round up of member's latest efforts (in no particular order):