Friday 29 October 2021

A flurry of activity!

We've had a great team of members who spent Thursday putting up our exhibition, which opens today. It's lovely to see what people were up to during the lockdown. Here's a before peek. More pictures to follow after the exhibition closes.

There's also been a flurry of activity on the Anne Brooke tag front with tags on tags and tassels.

Saturday 23 October 2021

Exhibition 29th-30th October

 Don't forget to visit our exhibition of lockdown stitching! We'd love to see you.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Brazilian Embroidery

 This month Claire led a workshop on Brazilian Embroidery. This technique was new to many members but it was a really enjoyable morning and a new skill was learnt! This was a workshop led by a group member and one of a series of such workshops where we share our own particular skills and knowledge with the rest of the group; we all have particular interests and it's great to share with others, so we are including these workshops (some full day some half day) in our programme alongside outside speakers/workshops. Check out what's coming up on the Programme tab.

Saturday 16 October 2021

October round up - indigo and bullion knots!

 October's colour was indigo in our 4" square challenge, it's always lovely to see what people come up with.

And then there's bullion knots in the 52tagshannemade stitch along. I think we may have some converts! I for one love bullion knots - once I got to grips with them; a bit of practice and they become addictive. If you think they're not for you, persist, you might be surprised!

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Exhibition October 29th-30th

 We had intended to have an exhibition but we were thwarted by lockdown! Not to be deterred though, we have gathered together our lockdown stitching for a different themed exhibition (the other one TBC next year!). The exhibition will display all the different bits and pieces we have done t keep ourselves occupied over the pandemic including various stitch alongs and online courses/workshops. Come and see what we've been up to!

Kimono at Blackwell

 I had a trip to Blackwell House overlooking Lake Windermere the other day. They had a Japanese exhibition on and were displaying a beautiful mid 19th century kimono. We did go on a Branch trip there a few years ago, but it was lovely to go back.

I couldn't resist snapping some more textile stuff whilst I was there!

Tuesday 28 September 2021

Community Workshop


Come and join us at the Town Hall on Saturday for a drop in workshop!

Saturday 25 September 2021

Yarndale 2021

 Great to be back at Yarndale again! Here's our stand with its of lovely goodies to buy with inspiration links on our tutorials tab on this blog. Any left overs will be available at our exhibition in October.

We managed to collect some more of the 4" squares at the meeting last week and they look great on their colour strips.

We also had some travelling books on display as well as some crazy patchwork covered books containing lovely lace collections. We also displayed some mini embroideries members had done that were attached to tags; the hedgehof=g and owl were really popular.