Sunday 6 June 2021

It's been a busy week!

There has been a flurry of activity amongst Skipton Stitchers! It's a new month so a new colour for the 4 inch square challenge - lilac. There has been a bit of catching up going on with #52tagshannemade as well. Friday's tag was 'a bunch of flowers' using a colour you don't normally use which is always a bit of a challenge. I did ask Anne on her YouTube comments bit for the last tag if she had anything brewing for when the 52 tags are finished because there's going to be a big hole left to fill. Many of us have come to enjoy joining in with stitch alongs over the past year, stitching has kept us going and it's been wonderful to 'meet' people we wouldn't have under normal circumstances. Anne did say she was thinking about something for 2022 which is brilliant! 

Here's another round up of member's latest efforts (in no particular order):

Friday 4 June 2021

Stitching leaves!

There's an interesting article in The Guardian about stitching into leaves. You can read it here. Isn't this just beautiful!

The artist is Hillary Walters Fayle; follow the link and have a look at her work.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

May round up

It has been interesting seeing new independent stitch groups forming following the closure of branches and I'm sure there are people working away getting to grips with updating various social media pages. I have to say I've got a bit behind posting what Skipton Stitchers have been up to so here's a bit of a catch up! 

We are still enjoying Anne Brooke's #52tagshannemade and various other courses and stitch alongs. I've added some links in resources which I'm hoping will work! I'll try and add more as time allows. 

So, in no particular order, here's a small sample of what's been happening:

(More on Instagram and FaceBook)

Monday 17 May 2021

Next meeting June 21st

During the past months we have been meeting virtually but we are hoping for a socially distanced get together Monday 21st June. 

We are keeping everything crossed for good weather and no changes to restrictions. The plan is to meet at 10.30 in the grounds of Christ Church (our usual venue for inside meetings); we will be meeting at the Tesco side of the church. 

Bring something to sit on and refreshments. 

Please be aware that we will not have access to toilet facilities 😬

It will be lovely to meet people in person again and share what we have been up to during lockdown. Many of us have been joining in with stitch alongs or online courses so there will be plenty of stitching to have a look at. 

Hope to see you there! If you are considering joining us for the first time do come along and say hello!

Thursday 13 May 2021

Free Workshop

One of our members Hayley Mills-Styles is running a free embroidered postcard workshop online on Saturday 5th June at 2.30pm. All the materials will be provided and you can book your place here:

The last date to book is the 24th May so there is time to post the materials.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Stitch wheel

Well, finally some of us have finished the Cathy Reavy stitch wheel. It's been an interesting project and there has been lots of stitches for us to get to grips with. Some stitches have been familiar, some re-learnt and some new. There seems to be a consensus that we definitely won't be doing knotted blanket stitch again! I have discovered a new favourite stitch that I'll certainly be using again and that's Quaker stitch - a combination of split stitch and stem stitch which is great for letters.

Even though we've all been following the same videos our finished results hare all slightly different. The videos are still on YouTube if you haven't had a go and would like to (links on previous post).